sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012



 with this SAM you will learn alot about soccer

Previous knowledge:  soccer basic knowledge.

Level:  Student who loves soccer ( 10th-11th Jose de San Martin School)

skills to be practice: Reading- writing

Time:  online: 2 hours    offline: 1 hour


  • Discriminate  soccer vocabulary  in context.
  • Predict information of a text.
  • Focus  on relevant information.
  • Report  important information about a chosen topic.

Let's start

 Do you know how to say some  soccer expressions and words in English?

Let's learn

 You will know vocabulary related to soccer; play and guess.

 It is not necesary to do all the activities, choose the ones you prefer!

Translate the  Vocabulary list  in a word document (Click on list)
Click here to read soccer field parts
Clik here  for vocabulary related to  the team

More practice  with soccer  terms

Play and answer some questions to know more about soccer ( click on the words below)
Soccer vocabulary
soccer quiz

Before you read

Think about the following questions and share your answers here
- How did soccer start?
- What were the first rules?
- What can you say about world cups?
- What famous soccer players can you mention?
-What do you know about women in soccer?

Let's  read

Click on the following link and follow instructions
Go back to the questions and answer them again. Ckeck your answers looking back at the text.
Create your own presentation
  • Choose one of the topics mentioned in the reading
  • Look for information
  • Do a power point presentation
  • Upload it in slideshare
  • Copy the link in the comments box in this page

Self assessment

Let's see your performance, click  here
 Further practice
If you want to know more about soccer, try the following links
Just for fun ( read the instructions and play) click here
Soccer articles http://premierskills.britishcouncil.org/en


Kaboose funschool  soccer http://funschool.kaboose.com/fun-blaster/soccer/

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